SCMI Guide

SCMI Error Handling

The SCMI module can return an error response to any request made by Krugle Enterprise. Several common error conditions are already defined, and some may trigger different behavior from Krugle Enterprise. This error handling helps ensure that Krugle Enterprise logging, error reporting and administrator notification swiftly and accurately dispatch the proper resources to remedy network, authentication and SCMI host processing issues that will adversely affect Krugle Enterprise operation.

Error Handling

The following table summarizes the Krugle XML Schema ErrorType. Each error specified in the SCMI application must identify the error as one of the following types:

Error Description Krugle Enterprise Behavior
generalError A general error type. As a response to a files request, it puts the project in an error state. As a response to a history request or notification, it is merely logged.
internalError Any error that occurs due to the SCMI application or any tool external to the Krugle Enterprise Appliance. Same as generalError.
invalidConfiguration The contents of the “location” or “params” element, as provide in the project configuration in the Appliance, is not valid or otherwise does not match what the SCMI is expecting. Same as generalError.
invalidFilesCheckpoint The filesCheckpoint given in a files request or history request is invalid Same as generalError.
invalidHistoryCheckpoint The filesCheckpoint given in a files request or history request is invalid Same as generalError.
invalidHistoryCheckpoint The historyCheckpoint given in a history request is invalid Same as generalError.
notReady The SCMI is busy doing something, and isn’t ready to handle a command. This will NOT cause an error condition, but the crawl will be canceled for this project. The crawl for this project is cancelled but no error is registered.
outOfMemoryError If the SCMI box runs out of memory trying to fulfill the request. Same as generalError.
protocolVersionError Unexpected protocol version. Same as generalError, as there is only one protocol version right now.
protocolError Anything else unexpected in the protocol. This would be considered a critical error as retrying the command would not be expected to have a different result. For example, invalid XML, unknown XML entities. Same as generalError
rebuildProject Thrown if the SCMI wants KE to rebuild its files index by requesting all the files and history again. The project is scheduled to be rebuilt as soon as the current snap-shot finishes.
scmAuthenticationError Thrown if the SCMI cannot authenticate to a remote SCM. Same as generalError.
scmConnectionError Thrown if the SCMI cannot connect to a remote SCM. Same as generalError.
volumeFullError Thrown if the SCMI box runs out of disk space trying to fulfill the request. Same as generalError.